We all can agree that 2020 has been a challenging year. That’s why this #GivingTuesday RRM is committing to giving back to local food banks in all of our office locations. One food bank in particular that is near and dear to our hearts is the SLO Food Bank. Check out the video below to learn more about the impact donations can have on your community this holiday season. Together, we can provide hunger relief for many individuals in need!


If you’re interested in contributing to a local food bank, click the donation link for the food bank nearest you:
SLO Food Bank: https://donate.slofoodbank.org/checkout/8805
Serra’s Pantry (San Juan Capistrano): https://zurl.co/4fNC
Santa Barbara County Food Bank: https://donate.foodbanksbc.org/campaign/food-gap-fund/c309168?c_src=reddonatebtn
Alameda County Community Food Bank: https://donate.accfb.org/