Housing Policy & Implementation

Housing Policy & Implementation

Housing policy and implementation are essential for our state to strive for housing for all. Objective development /design standards are required by the Housing Accountability Act, Senate Bill 35 Streamlining, and the Housing Crisis Act (Senate Bill 330). RRM Design Group has a successful track record of truth-tested objective design standards and has assisted staff to review projects within similar metrics. We are happy to assist you to ensure that future development is compatible with the surrounding neighborhoods, using quality materials, building form and scale appropriate to the site, and that an agency’s process complies with the intent of state legislation to facilitate and expedite the construction of housing. We are currently assisting local municipalities address housing needs across California by:

  • Preparing Objective Design Standards
  • Retooling Existing City Policy Documents
  • Evaluating and Developing an Expedited Permit Process
  • Analyzing RHNA Sites Inventory
  • Producing Accessory Dwelling Unit Prototypes
  • Recommending Zoning Code, Specific Plan, and Design Guideline Amendments

  • Facilitating Adaptive Community Engagement
  • Conducting Design review – case by case implementation
  • Providing staff training and support

Housing is one of the greatest needs in California. We work collaboratively with our Architecture department to fulfill housing needs throughout the state. Our professionals are experts in housing policy, standards, design, and implementation.

Check out our housing and residential design portfolio: