We Are
RRM Design Group Urban Designers Housing Specialists Fire Station Experts Parks Specialists Interior Designers Passionate about Sustainability



Engineering & Surveying


Landscape Architecture

Landscape Architecture

Planning & Urban Design

Planning and Urban Design

Architecture »

RRM's Architecture group has staff in all six RRM offices and covers a wide variety of project types

Housing Solutions - Multifamily affordable, multifamily market, mixed-Use, senior Housing, single family development, accessory dwelling units (ADU)

Education - K12 education, college and university

Civic - civic and community

Commercial, Mixed-Use, and Hospitality - Commercial and office, mixed-use, wineries, breweries, and hospitality

Public Safety - Fire stations, police stations, training facilities

Custom Residential

Interior Design

Engineering »

RRM's Engineering department is comprised of civil engineers, structural engineers, and surveyors

Civil Engineering - Infrastructure, sewer/wastewater, water resources, roads, bikeways, and trails, entitlements, construction observation

Structural Engineering - Public & private projects, commercial, retail, hospitality, educational, institutional, retrofit design,  multifamily, SFR, and custom residential, TI renovations

Surveying - Construction staking, boundary surveying, topographic mapping, American Land and Title Association Surveys (ALTA), aerial mapping and control, high definition laser scanning, tract and parcel maps, easements, hydrographic surveying, DOGGR certifications, right of way surveys

Landscape Architecture »

Some of California's most beautiful parks, greenways, and outdoor areas originated as drawings and ideas inside RRM's Landscape Architecture group

Parks - Community parks, neighborhood parks, sports and athletic fields

Trails and Open Space - Open space and regional parks, trails, greenways, and linear parks

Residential Landscape Architecture

Educational Environments

Urban Design - Coastal plans and waterfront, plazas and town squares, streetscapes and parklets, urban design

Commercial and Hospitality - Commercial, Wineries, Breweries, and Hospitality

Planning and Urban Design »

This group is responsible for the creation of thoughtful plans and standards for cities and developments across the state

Land Planning and Subdivision Design

Entitlement and Development Services - Commercial, office, mixed-use, wineries, breweries, and hospitality

Urban Design and Placemaking - Plazas, town squares, public art, streetscapes and parklets

Community and Advanced Planning

Housing Policy and Implementation - Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) standards and prototypes, housing elements and implementation, objective design standards

Design Review and Contract Services - Design review and training, development review process analysis, on-call planning


Housing - Accessory dwelling units (ADUs), multifamily affordable, multifamily market, senior housing, single family developments

Commercial and Office - Commercial and office new construction and TI, mixed-use

Custom Residences


Educational, Civic, and Public Safety

Fire Stations - Fire stations, training facilities, and more at firestationdesign.com

Educational FacilitiesCollege facilities, K-12 facilities, other learning environments

Public Safety Facilities - Police stations, training facilities

Planning Policy & Placemaking

Urban Design - Accessory dwelling units (ADUs), multifamily affordable, multifamily market, senior housing, single family developments

Community and Advanced Planning - General plans and community plans, multimodal planning, objective design standards and design guidelines, specific, vision, strategic, and master plans, zoning ordinances

Housing Policy and Implementation - Accessory dwelling units (ADUs) standards and prototypes, housing elements and implementation, objective design standards

Transportation & Mobility

Transportation Planning - Active transportation, multimodal planning, rail safety, roadway engineering, transit-oriented design, transportation engineering


Parks - Community parks, neighborhood parks, sports and athletic fields

Trails and Open Space - Open space and regional parks, trails, greenways, and linear parks

Urban and Waterfront Solutions - Coastal plans and waterfront, plazas and town squares, streetscapes and parklets, urban design

Additional Specialties

Public Outreach

Sustainability & Environmental Stewardship


Photography, Video, and Visual Simulations

More Services - Community engagement and outreach services, grant support, graphic design, sustainable services

Awards & Honors

Santa Cruz Rail Trail Segment 7, Santa Cruz, CA

Awards & Honors

Olympus Park, Encinitas, CA

Awards & Honors

Crestview Terrace Apartments, San Bernardino, CA

Our Offices

RRM currently has seven offices that span the entire west coast. With our Headquarters nestled on California’s central coast – our founding location – we’ve expanded our reach over five decades, establishing seven offices across the state of California and, most recently, Washington.