RRM Design Group hires well known San Luis Obispo planner, Pam Ricci. Pam brings with her extensive planning experience, having worked for the City of San Luis Obispo’s Community Development Department for the past 30 years. Her perspective from the other side of the desk will add value to theirr private and public clients, enriching RRM’s multidisciplinary team of architects, landscape architects, planners, civil engineers, structural engineers, and surveyors.

As a senior planner for the City of San Luis Obispo, Pam oversaw many major projects, including Chinatown, Garden Street Terraces, Court Street, Railroad Square, SLO Promenade, Serra Meadows, Madonna Plaza redevelopment, SESLOC, and MINDBODY. At RRM, Pam will be working with project teams, offering insights into site planning, land use, ordinance requirements, policy analysis, and project entitlements.

“RRM is very fortunate to have the skills, experience, and passion that Pam has brought to her work in planning over the last 30+ years. She brings to our team a level of strategy, commitment to quality, and knowledge of the local planning environment that is rare to find and will be of great value to our clients,” Erik Justesen, President + CEO of RRM stated.

Pam Ricci, AICP paricci@rrmdesign.com