Balboa Avenue Station Area Specific Plan

Balboa Avenue Station Area Specific Plan

Balboa Avenue Station Area Specific Plan The City of San Diego received a SANDAG Sustainable Communities Planning Grant and retained RRM Design Group to develop the Balboa Avenue Station Area Specific Plan. Throughout the planning effort, multi-modal improvements will...
Azusa TOD Specific Plan & General Plan/Development Code Update

Azusa TOD Specific Plan & General Plan/Development Code Update

Azusa TOD Specific Plan & General Plan/Development Code Update The City of Azusa retained RRM to prepare a 350-acre TOD General Plan/Development Code Update and Specific Plan focusing on Azusa’s downtown, two future Gold Line transit stations, and adjacent...
Stanton Livable Beach Boulevard Mobility Plan

Stanton Livable Beach Boulevard Mobility Plan

Stanton Livable Beach Boulevard Mobility Plan Funded through a Community-Based Transportation Planning Grant by Caltrans, the City of Stanton retained RRM Design Group to develop the Livable Beach Boulevard Mobility Plan, in collaboration with City staff and Fehr...