Yorba Linda Town Center Specific Plan

RRM Design Group was retained by the City of Yorba Linda to prepare the Yorba Linda Town Center Specific Plan. The 30-acre site is comprised of a mix of ownerships, between the City of Yorba Linda Redevelopment Agency and a number of private landowners. The objective for this Plan is twofold: first, to enhance and expand the heart of downtown by integrating a 900-seat performing arts venue, a new 40,000 sf library, a centrally located public park, and 72,000 sf of new commercial and office uses; and second, to preserve the old town historic character and charm through the preparation of development standards and design guidelines. Consensus for the design of the Town Center was achieved through an interactive, engaging, and responsive public outreach process including a community workshop and study sessions.


Planning Achievement Award: Hard Won Victories
– American Planning Association (APA), California Chapter, Orange County Section

 “RRM is…commended for advocating a higher quality built environment without losing sight of community expectations and market realities.”
– Steve K. Harris, AICP, Director of Community Development, City of Yorba Linda

RRM Design Group
RRM Design Group
RRM Design Group
RRM Design Group