West Creek Accessory Dwelling Units
West Creek is a residential subdivision covering 18.29 acres in the City of San Luis Obispo that provides 172 residential units in multi-family and single-family homes with Accesory Dwelling Units. The 105 multi-family units include 35 studio units, 63 two-bedroom units, and 7 one-bedroom units with a density of 27.5 units per acre. The 67 single-family units are 3 bed/2 ½ bath homes with attached garages and include 44 “parkway” nits with a density of 8.54 units per acre. The project encompasses two large parcels that were combined into a single project resulting in a more complete design solution which allows the project to meet the unit count targeted in the Orcutt Area Specific Plan while providing additional open space and community amenities.