Stanton Livable Beach Boulevard Mobility Plan

Funded through a Community-Based Transportation Planning Grant by Caltrans, the City of Stanton retained RRM Design Group to develop the Livable Beach Boulevard Mobility Plan, in collaboration with City staff and Fehr & Peers. The study focused on a three-mile stretch of Beach Boulevard to improve the mobility and livability of the auto-oriented corridor through a community-driven, context-sensitive process that: encourages new mixed-use infill, transit-oriented development, and redevelopment projects; introduces safe routes to school, safer pedestrian crossings, and bicycle lanes; upgrades bus stops and integrates more transit opportunities, including rapid bus transit and links to the Metrolink Station in Buena Park; improves the aesthetics of the corridor through streetscape, public art, and utility undergrounding; integrates “green design” and sustainability practices; and upholds the corridor’s functionality as a major vehicular route.
RRM Design Group
RRM Design Group