Santa Paula Youth Needs Assessment

RRM was hired by the City of Santa Paula to conduct a Youth Needs Assessment (YNA) to identify the needs, gaps, and deficiencies of existing youth programs and services available in the community. The report was intended to provide decision-makers and the general public with an overall snapshot of the community’s sentiments related to youth programs and services, as well as to present recommendations to address some of the major and most common needs identified for Santa Paula youth. The purpose statement included in the adopted document stated, “To listen to and engage with the Santa Paula community, and by doing so, help identify those needs most necessary to benefit and positively impact the lives of youth in the community.” The Santa Paula YNA effort kicked off in June 2018, with initial background research and interviews with key stakeholders in the community to discuss community needs and opportunities for improvement. Subsequently, the City hosted two community workshops with both English and Spanish translation services. Two community-wide surveys were also circulated to residents and business owners, with an English and Spanish version available. The YNA has provided guidance for decision-makers and elected officials in the City to make informed decisions as the recommended strategies are implemented throughout the community.


2021 APA Planning Awards: Award of Excellence in Public Outreach
– American Planning Association California Chapter and Central Coast Section