San Mateo Central Park Master Plan Update

Central Park – the jewel of downtown San Mateo – dates back to 1924, and was originally the site of the private Kohl estate. The park balances many uses, ranging from passive (picnicking, playgrounds, Japanese Tea Gardens, Community Center) to active uses (baseball, tennis). The park also currently plays host to many of the San Mateo community’s larger events and festivals, such as a summer concert series, and a winter ice skating rink. The City retained RRM Design Group to prepare a new long-range master plan with significant input from the community. These outreach efforts included public meetings, focus group sessions, key stakeholder meetings, and a variety social media outlets.
After receiving direction from the Park and Recreation Commission and City Council, RRM prepared alternatives to address park planning concepts consistent with the planning objectives.
RRM Design Group
RRM Design Group
RRM Design Group
RRM Design Group
RRM Design Group