Rivendale Park

In the mid-1990s the City of Santa Clarita purchased the Rivendale Park site, a former cattle ranch and oil drilling property, to enhance their long-range plan for a continuous greenbelt around the city. RRM worked with a focus group and the community at large to set a vision for the park that emphasized the preservation and enhancement of the natural beauty of the site and its cultural history.
In the areas that were previously disturbed by development, the adopted master plan includes a performance amphitheater, a cultural center for interpretive education and events, as well as passive open space. The plan also identifies major trailhead facilities and trail linkages to the adjoining Towsley Canyon open space, managed by the Santa Monica Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority.
The plan is based on the principles of low-impact development that incorporate stormwater management and habitat restoration into the fabric of the design.
RRM Design Group
RRM Design Group
RRM Design Group