Pomona Zoning and Subdivision Code Updates

RRM has been retained by the City of Pomona to produce a state-of-the-art, flexible, user-friendly Zoning and Subdivision Code and Zoning Map that will serve as an effective tool to achieve the community’s vision for the future expressed in the City’s General Plan. To achieve these objectives, RRM’s scope of work is designed to provide products that not only comply with state law, but that also: reflect sound planning principles and current best practices for promoting and supporting sustainable, high quality development; encourage high quality infill development, redevelopment, and mixed-use development; respond to community and decision-maker input; is flexible in its administration and clear in decision-making processes; makes extensive use of graphics and tables; is easy to use and understand. The update will provide for greater certainty and finality in decision-making, based on findings and objective criteria, while also allowing for flexibility in development where appropriate—to let Pomona say yes to what it wants, and no to what it does not.
RRM Design Group