Pasedena Urban Design Consulting

For approximately one year, RRM Principal Jami Williams served as a strategic advisor and urban designer for the City of Pasadena’s Design and Historic Preservation section of the Community Development Department. The Planning Director identified a need to analyze department and application process inefficiencies and provide recommendations, strategies, and an action plan to improve customer service. Jami conducted interviews with City staff, DRB members, and applicants to gain information and establish a common objective. The effort resulted in modification of the existing process and material to ensure a fair, equitable, and transparent design process resulting smooth and timely processing of applications.

Some of the resulting implementation items included:
• Reduced application processing time by requiring complete submittal packages during intake
• Development of new, simplified submittal checklist requirements and forms
• Expansion of the historic resource database (CHRID)
• Development of a new intake process
• Integration of Current Planning (zoning), Public Works, Transportation, Building, and Fire Department’s comments early in the design review process to reduce future delays
• Updated staff report organization and content requirements