Santa Clarita Community Character Design Guidelines

Santa Clarita Community Character Design Guidelines

The City of Santa Clarita hired RRM Design Group to create its Citywide Architectural Design Guidelines. The Guidelines designate consistent, high-quality architectural design for developments and private improvements throughout the City, and serve as a tool for...
Norma Triangle Overlay District and Design Guidelines

Norma Triangle Overlay District and Design Guidelines

The Norma Triangle Single-Family Design project includes Neighborhood Overlay District (NOD) and design guidelines documents that set a vision for the future of the Norma Triangle neighborhood within West Hollywood. The overlay provides specific standards for the...
Del Mar Design Guidelines

Del Mar Design Guidelines

The City of Del Mar hired RRM Design Group to help improve the development review process within the City through design guidelines that would interpret the intent of the City’s Community Plan and Municipal Code. In response to strong negative community feedback...
Cerritos Residential Design Manual

Cerritos Residential Design Manual

The City of Cerritos is experiencing an influx of residential remodels that are out of scale with the surrounding context and that possess architectural features such as front entry elements that conflict with the existing building style and character. In an effort to...
Goleta New Zoning Ordinance

Goleta New Zoning Ordinance

Goleta New Zoning Ordinance RRM Design Group is working with the City of Goleta to create its first Zoning Ordinance since becoming a City. The new Zoning Ordinance will implement General Plan policies and the Local Coastal Program, replacing the Santa Barbara County...