Sinsheimer Park Playground

Sinsheimer Park Playground

The half-acre playground at Sinsheimer Park is a multi-level, action packed hub of activity. Taking maximum advantage of the sloped site, the design features a 3-story tower, five large slides ranging from 12- to 18-feet tall, and a zip line. The most popular...
Santa Rosa Park

Santa Rosa Park

RRM prepared design and construction documents for the renovation of the playground. The new design features a nature theme, complete with treetrunk climbers and boulders. Additionally, RRMĀ prepared design plans and documents and provided construction support services...
San Luis Obispo Railroad Safety Trail

San Luis Obispo Railroad Safety Trail

Commissioned by the City of San Luis Obispo, RRM Design Group completed two phases of work for the multi-phased community trail within the Union Pacific Railroad right-of-way. RRM prepared design plans and final alignment for the first segment of the trail, which...
Mission Boulevard Active Transportation Network (ATN)

Mission Boulevard Active Transportation Network (ATN)

Mission Boulevard Active Transportation Network (ATN) The City of San Diego hired RRM Design Group to help develop multimodal upgrades to the Pacific Beach Community along Mission Boulevard and the waterfront. The enhancement plans address innovative pedestrian, bike,...
Fullerton Corridor Study

Fullerton Corridor Study

Fullerton Corridor Study As a result of a national recruitment process, the City of Fullerton retained RRM Design Group to prepare the 1,310-acre Fullerton Downtown Core and Corridors Specific Plan. Funded through a California Sustainable Communities Planning Grant,...