Mission Boulevard Active Transportation Network (ATN)

The City of San Diego hired RRM Design Group to help develop multimodal upgrades to the Pacific Beach Community along Mission Boulevard and the waterfront. The enhancement plans address innovative pedestrian, bike, and transit facilities that create better circulation, crossing improvements, community and regional access to coastal resources, increased walkability, streetscape beautification, and road diet alternatives that address traffic calming and bike lanes along Mission Boulevard. The design also addresses the side streets along Mission Boulevard creating more walkable sidewalks and access to the waterfront. Adjacent improvements include design visioning for Pacific Beach’s boardwalk and coastal trail further enhancing public open space, pocket parks and community gathering spaces connected by a vibrant coast trail and greenway through Pacific Beach. The design visioning involves stakeholder meetings with area businesses, local organizations, city departments, Coastal Commission, Beautiful PB, and other residences and land owners. RRM is assisting the City with community outreach meetings to explore alternative solutions for the area and are focused on helping select viable options and implementation strategies for the community.


2021 APA Planning Awards: Award of Merit – Transportation Planning
– American Planning Association San Diego Section

RRM Design Group