Madera Fire Station No.58
The City of Madera hired RRM to design a new fire station located adjacent to the municipal airport. This station is to include three apparatus bays, sleeping areas and living area for two companies and a battalion chief. The site is large and includes an area set aside for a future training facility. The campus main gas line was sized to accommodate future live fire training props. RRM worked with the City to investigate architectural character for the station. The City wanted to utilize stone and large-scale post and beam elements to be consistent with other civic architecture in the area. A curved roof form over the apparatus bay was selected to reference the adjacent airport while maintaining the strength of the stone bases and walls to ground the building. The station is designed with spaces to separate firefighter living and sleeping areas from the equipment and apparatus to protect firefighters from harmful contaminates. The facility utilizes materials for high durability throughout for a building that will stand the test of time.
Project of the Year | Small Cities / Rural Communities
– APWA Central California Chapter