Los Altos Downtown Vision Plan

RRM was retained by the City of Los Altos to craft a 20-year Vision Plan for the 76-acre downtown area, bound by Edith Avenue, San Antonio Road, and the Foothill Expressway. Through the use of unique, targeted outreach boards and exhibits and a variety of online engagement tools, RRM Design Group, in conjunction with Plan to Place and City staff, have been continuing to engage with local residents, business owners, employees, and other stakeholders to gather a broad spectrum of input. Based on the feedback received from the Los Altos community, RRM’s team of urban designers, landscape architects, architects, and support staff will work collaboratively with the project team to develop three unique vision scenarios for the downtown area. Once complete, these three scenarios will be presented to the community in another round of community meetings, pop-up workshops, and online engagement, ultimately resulting in a preferred vision scenario and an accompanying vision plan outlining how the Los Altos community envisions their downtown area developing into the future.


2020 Comprehensive Planning Award

– APA Northern California