Long Beach General Plan Elements and Engagement

The City of Long Beach Department of Development Services hired RRM Design Group to assist with specialized planning services, including design review, special studies, peer reviews, and other similar tasks. As part of this contract, RRM prepared the Urban Design Element for the General Plan Update. The Urban Design Element outlines strategies and policies intended for long-term effects of incorporating sustainable design practices, promotion of health and wellness opportunities, appropriate transitions for infill development, protection of the existing neighborhood character, and creation of vibrant and active public spaces into development decisions. A variety of visual simulations and renderings were developed to depict improvements to the public realm and future development potential. Extensive multi-lingual outreach complemented the effort including surveys, pop-up events, traditional workshops, and informational campaigns to ensure community-driven Elements. RRM Design Group is also preparing a new General Plan Noise Element that will build upon the Land Use and Urban Design Elements and associated EIR to provide a differentiated approach to noise across neighborhoods.



Hard-Won Victory Award: Outreach Process

– APA Los Angeles

RRM Design Group
RRM Design Group
RRM Design Group