Las Positas Multi-Use Pathway

The City of Santa Barbara hired RRM Design Group to provide planning, environmental, and design services for the Las Positas Multi-Use Pathway, a 2.6-mile ATP Grant Funded Class I trail along Las Positas and Modoc Roads and adjacent to Las Positas and Arroyo Burrow Creek corridors. What was once an unsafe, high-speed corridor has transformed into incorporate a lively, safe, and accessible pathway for users of all abilities and interests. This trail connection serves to vital links to the City of Santa Barbara’s regional trail network connecting the California Coastal Trail and the City’s Cross-town Route to downtown with the coastal route. The trail design includes midblock crossings on Modoc Road, cycle track facilities, Class II bike lanes. New signalized crossings, creek restoration, and connection to Arroyo Burrow State Beach. Since the trail’s opening in the spring of 2022, it has already proven to improve accessibility and enhance quality of life for so many within the region.

To learn more about the project, visit the City of Santa Barbara’s website.