RRM Design Group is working with the City of Goleta to create its first Zoning Ordinance since becoming a City. The new Zoning Ordinance will implement General Plan policies and the Local Coastal Program, replacing the Santa Barbara County Zoning Ordinance that the City has been using since they incorporated in 2002. The inherited ordinance does not reflect best zoning and planning practices that are appropriate for a growing city. It is not effective in implementing the land use and design goals in Goleta’s General Plan and other City policies. The purpose of the new Zoning Ordinance is to create an innovative, integrated code that shapes future growth according to the community’s vision, is clear and easy to use, and provides objective, standards and criteria for use in the development review and permitting process that will result in high quality development.

2021 APA Planning Awards: Award of Merit – Hard Won Victories Award
– American Planning Association, Central Coast Section