Froom Ranch Specific Plan

The Froom Ranch Specific plan was approved in August 2020 – located just outside the southwestern city limits of San Luis Obispo. The City’s General Plan required the applicant to prepare a Specific Plan prior to annexation to the City. The project includes primarily residential development, with some commercial development in the northeast corner of the site closest to the adjacent shopping center. A major component of the planned residential uses is a Life Plan Community; a type of senior housing that provides a variety of different unit types for independent senior housing as well guaranteed access to higher levels of care such as assisted living, memory care, and skilled nursing, if those services are eventually needed. 

The project site includes several physical constraints including creek corridors, wetlands, a variety or rare plants, historic ranch buildings, steep slopes, and a fault line. The fault line includes some active portions and requires setbacks from its alignment across the site for habitable structures.

RRM Design Group