Encinitas Objective Design Standards

The City of Encinitas retained RRM Design Group to create objective design standards and an expedited permitting program to facilitate the development of affordable multifamily and mixed-use housing. In response to an HCD review of the Housing Element, the City committed itself to updating the Zoning Code, Specific Plans, and Design Guidelines to create design standards that are clear and objective, and comply with state housing laws. RRM developed an effective community outreach program employing a variety of public engagement
tools, including stakeholder interviews, online surveys, a project website, and digital media. The project includes easy-to-use and easy-to-administer standards for new housing to provide clear direction on topics such as site planning, building massing and elements, architectural design, landscaping, and utilitarian/mechanical elements. The standards ensure design compatibility within existing Encinitas neighborhoods. An expedited permit process program is in development to require less time processing applications, thus making the delivery of more affordable units more economically feasible.