Funded through a Sustainable Communities Planning Grant, the City of Colton retained RRM Design Group to focus on 258 acres of Downtown Colton. Project goals include addressing infill/compact development, encouraging a mix of uses, improving the pedestrian environment, enhancing mobility, creating incentives for market-driven redevelopment, and establishing design criteria to facilitate a unique and attractive downtown. The community-driven vision was developed through an engagement process including stakeholder interviews, a community workshop, and Planning Commission/City Council study sessions. Recommendations integrated guidance from market economics to help realize the vision. The planning process resulted in a Development Code Update and Design Manual that fosters a more inviting downtown for residents and visitors alike.

Award of Merit
– Inland Empire Section, APACA

“I want to express how pleased we are with the Downtown Development Code and Design Manual that your firm prepared for the City of Colton. As you know, this project was recently honored with an “Award of Merit” by the Inland Empire Section of the American Planning Association, which we are proud to receive, with credit to RRM Design Group.”
– Mark R. Tomich, AICP, Development Services Director