Carlsbad Village Barrio Master Plan

The Village and Barrio are the heart of the City of Carlsbad, representing Carlsbad’s past, character, and culture. The Village and Barrio Master Plan underwent a multi-year update process with significant public involvement. After two drafts of the Master Plan were not successfully adopted, the City of Carlsbad retained RRM to help prepare a third draft that aligns with public input and the City’s overall community vision, primarily regarding design and community character. Skills in architectural design and urban planning as well as document design, formatting, and graphics were needed to deliver the revised draft. RRM developed a new land use plan including multi-family development standards and design guidelines, and a revised mobility chapter including new street cross-sections and 3D before-and-after simulations. These elements were integrated into a final master plan document designed and formatted by RRM, supported by the community, and adopted by the City Council in July 2018.

RRM Design Group