Calabasas Old Town Improvements Project

RRM Design Group created the award-winning Master Plan, design guidelines, streetscape design plan, tree protection plans, construction documents, and economic implementation program for the revitalization of Old Town Calabasas. The Master Plan covers land use studies, circulation and parking studies, downtown facades, and pedestrian-oriented streetscape designs. Unique elements include an innovative boardwalk system, mid-block crossings, custom streetlights, utility infrastructure renovation, a reclaimed water system, custom site furniture, a holiday lighting system for street trees, hidden utility vaults, and integrated bike parking posts. RRM Design Group also facilitated a steering committee and public workshops with merchants, property owners, residents, City staff, the Planning Commission, and the City Council.


Outstanding Planning, Comprehensive Planning Award
– American Planning Association (APA), California Chapter, Los Angeles Section

“RRM Design Group of San Luis Obispo has successfully created a master plan that ensures a ‘sense of place’, special and unique to the City of Calabasas, while reflecting the history and spirit of the Old West.”
– -Myra Turke, President, Old Town Calabasas Coalition

RRM Design Group
RRM Design Group
RRM Design Group