Bradley Studios – Affordable

RRM Design Group designed and entitled the Bradley Studios project of the Housing Authority of the City of Santa Barbara, an infill project in downtown Santa Barbara. The 53 studio units are targeted to low- and extremely low-income (30% – 60% AMI) residents. Half of the units are reserved for residents with special needs. These units helped the City achieve its 10-Year Plan to End Chronic Homelessness goals. On-site social services include mental health treatment, counseling, job training, life skills, and budgeting classes. The other half are residents that work within a specific geographic boundary of downtown, with highest preference given to applicants without cars, as the project is located near facilities and transit. At the initiation of the project, RRM facilitated neighborhood meetings to review the initial design concepts and to respond to questions or concerns about the project. The work with the neighborhood resolved concerns and objections to the project. The project was designed in the Craftsman vernacular to honor the predominant neighborhood architectural style.
RRM Design Group
RRM Design Group
RRM Design Group