Balboa Avenue Station Area Specific Plan

The City of San Diego received a SANDAG Sustainable Communities Planning Grant and retained RRM Design Group to develop the Balboa Avenue Station Area Specific Plan. Throughout the planning effort, multi-modal improvements will be identified to increase bicycle, pedestrian, and transit access to the station. The area is currently constrained with significant traffic and mobility issues that do not effectively address TOD or multi-modal access to the Station. Additionally, the corridor has an abundance of under-maintained, older structures as well as undeveloped parcels and surface parking and storage lots that provide vast opportunities for transit oriented development (TOD). The Plan will engage the Pacific Beach and Clairemont communities to produce a Specific Plan and implementation program that addresses transportation demand, economic market analysis, urban design concepts, and multi-modal improvement projects. The plan will be implemented through Community Plan and Facilities Financing Plan amendments.


2020 Momentum Awards: Complete Streets Award

– Circulate San Diego

RRM Design Group
RRM Design Group
RRM Design Group
RRM Design Group