Arcadia Gold Line Station Pedestrian Linkage

the Metro Gold Line Foothill extension provides light rail access from Pasadena to azusa with one of the key stations along the route in downtown Arcadia. The City of Arcadia hired RRM Design Group to provide construction documents for First Street and Santa Clara Street as part of the first/last mile connection to this regional rail network. Working with the City and Metro, RRM provided innovative complete streets solutions for pedestrian and bicycle access to the new Metro Gold Line Station. the design includes new curbs, sidewalks, intersection crossing improvements, street landscape and seating areas, bio-retention planters, bike lanes, pedestrian lighting, and beautification of the primary corridors leading to the Gold Line Station. the design goal was to create attractive street corridors that help calm traffic and provide a more walkable and bike friendly access to the new Gold Line Station. This project is currently under construction.