Anaheim Center City Corridors Opportunites Analysis, Vision Plan, & Specific Plan

RRM Design Group was retained by the City of Anaheim to conduct a SCaG grant-funded Vision Plan to analyze the Center City Corridors area. Grant goals focused on identifying opportunities to enhance transportation, land use, infrastructure, aesthetics, parks, and open space. To understand the existing planning framework and policy context for the Center City Corridors area, RRM undertook a robust due diligence and background research process. Building upon these work efforts, a variety of community outreach events were conducted in two phases, including a community workshop, open house, two online surveys, and targeted popup events designed to engage the Anaheim community. Primary opportunity themes received from the community during the outreach process were developed into guiding principles and used as the foundation to complete the Vision Plan effort, which was finalized in Spring 2020. as an extension of the Vision Plan project, RRM is now working with the City to complete a Caltrans grant-funded specific plan for the Center City Corridors area that is expected to be completed in early 2022.

RRM Design Group