Ideas & Observations
From RRM Design Group
It’s not just a trend: it’s our duty!
Significant Affordable Housing Development Approval in Arroyo Grande
Our Architecture team has been working alongside the Housing Authority of San Luis Obispo (HASLO) to design much-needed affordable housing in the...
City of King Awarded Proposition 68 Grant for the Downtown Park/Plaza Project
City of King | December 8, 2021 The City is excited to announce it has received approval from the State of California for its Proposition 68 grant...
SLO’s San Luis Ranch is taking shape. Get a look at the homes and see how much they cost
BY NICK WILSON | NOVEMBER 23, 2021 10:23 AM Homeowners are starting to move into San Luis Ranch, a new mixed-use development in San Luis...
Coastal Housing Coalition 2021 Virtual Workshop Series Thursday, November 18th from 10 - 11:30 am Zoom Webinar Link:...
Santa Cruz Rail Trail wins ACEC Engineering Excellence Award!
We're proud to announce that our work on the Santa Cruz Rail Trail, Segment 7 Phase 1 has earned an ACEC Engineering Excellence Award of Merit! This...
San Luis Obispo City Reviews New $52 Million Plan To Turn Police Station Into A ‘Public Safety Center’
LAUREN BOYER - 11/10/2021 San Luis Obispo City Council is considering replacing the San Luis Obispo Police Station with a $52 million Public Safety...
Fun for everyone: Pleasanton council reviews design options for all-abilities playground
Concepts praised for 'color, creativity and whimsical nature' by Julia Baum / Pleasanton Weekly After months of public input on two design...
SJB adopts Luck Park Master Plan
Published 09/24/202 | BenitoLink Reporter, Noe Magaña It calls for keeping the Jim Jack Cabin at its current site and moving the fire engine...
Along the Waterfront: Makeovers at Cabrillo, Dwight Murphy Fields Aimed at Re-energizing Parks
Makeovers to two parks along the Santa Barbara waterfront — one already done, the other upcoming — are designed to spruce up, add activities and...