Housing on the South Coast in 2030: What’s Ahead?


Starting today, what steps can we take to begin resolving our community’s housing crisis? We have a chance to embrace big ideas which could make a significant and positive difference for our community’s future. Just as the earthquake of 1925 led to a rebirth of the City of Santa Barbara, there is an unprecedented opportunity to reshape the entire South County landscape in more equitable, healthy, economically viable and sustainable ways.

On March 17, 2021 at 12:00 p.m. Pacific time, a free, Community Forum hosted by the League of Women Voters of Santa Barbara will feature local leaders and housing experts offering their visions and paths forward for improved housing in 2030.  Simultaneous Spanish interpretation of the Forum will be available.

Four key aspects of housing will be addressed by the panelists:

The Problems and Causes of our Local Housing Crisis

●     Rob Fredericks, Executive Director/Chief Executive Officer, HACSB (Housing Authority City of Santa Barbara)

●     Frank Rodriguez, Policy Advocate, CAUSE (Central Coast Alliance United for a Sustainable Economy)

●     Kristen Miller, President & CEO, Santa Barbara South Coast Chamber of Commerce

●     Dick Flacks, Chair, SUN (Sustainable University Now)


Our very own Detty Piekert will be speaking on the topics of Sustainable Communities and Downtown Vision to Implementation for Workforce and Higher Density Housing

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