From KSBY:  Harbor Terrace to include more than 150 camp sites in Port San Luis

February 2, 2018
By: Alex Bertola

There will soon be more camping options available in Avila Beach.

The Harbor Terrace Development has been in the works for years but during a meeting this week, it got the go-ahead.

Currently, Port San Luis is home to five areas of RV camping. The new development, set to go up next to the entrance of Diablo Canyon Power Plant, will expand that.

“I think it’s a great idea because I’m an RV owner,” said William Hulgan.

“I would definitely, on our travels back to California, we would stop there,” said Kay Gifford.

The Harbor District purchased the majority of the property in 1977.

“One of the exciting things is that we’ve had this property but it’s not been available to the public,” said Andrea Lueker, Harbor Manager.

Just this week, the district entered into a 50-year agreement with a company that will develop and manage the site.

It’ll have more than 150 RV sites, tent sites and cabins.There will also be a lodge, a swimming pool, and 48,000 square feet of parking.

“I think always in the port in the summer it’s going to be very busy, but I think there will be a little bit of relief with the addition of the Harbor Terrace Project,” Lueker said.

The project will also eventually mean the elimination of camping at the Woodyard and Nobi Point turnouts.

Not all Avila Beach residents are happy with the new project.

“Really any development that just encourages more traffic of any kind that’s not on foot is not something I would be happy to see,” said Cyndy Lakowske.

Lueker doesn’t believe that will be the case since the campsites will be reservation only versus first-come, first-served.

“We have a fair amount of people driving in and if there’s not something available, they’re likely to turn around and leave,” Lueker said. “I think with the reservation system we might have less traffic.”

Still, some locals say they may not go to the beach as often once the development goes up.

“I think part of the reason I come to this beach as opposed to other beaches in the area is that it’s quieter,” said Kelsey Lakowske.

The goal is to generate at least $600,000 a year from the new development, which is what the Harbor District currently makes from RV camping.

Construction is expected to start in the spring or summer of next year.

It should be completed 8 months later.