Crocker Park Trail

Master Planning

Workshop #2 Recap

Workshop #2: Community Views Preliminary Master Plan

Held on January 19th, 6:30 – 8 Pm

During the second virtual community workshop, community members were shown the preliminary master plan design developed by RRM Design Group. This was followed by a live survey and an open discussion with the community discussing the character of the trail and some potential features. See below for more details on how you can share your opinions and for more information on upcoming workshops.

Survey #2 Results:


Nestled at the foot of the San Bruno Mountain, the Crocker Park Recreational Trail (also known as Guadalupe Valley Trail) is a 2.25-mile loop trail in the former Southern Pacific Railroad right-of-way located in the City of Brisbane, California.  The existing gravel trail winds through the spine of the adjacent Industrial Park providing scenic views of San Bruno Mountain and a fairly level surface, providing families, locals, and employees a place to walk or jog year-round. The current trailhead is located on Park Lane directly across the street from the Dog Park. Access is also provided from one of the five trail crossings at South Hill Drive, North Hill Drive, West Hill Drive, and Cypress Lane. Pockets of native flora & fauna are also enjoyed by trail-goers as well as standard amenities including benches, mutt mutt dispensers, and trash receptacles.

The trail was previously converted from a rail to trail working with the nonprofit, Iron Horse Preservation Society to remove the tracks and ties for salvage value and repair in addition to grading and compacting the roadbed as a trail. Acknowledging the desire to improve the trail surface, in 2017, the City applied for and was recommended to receive grant funding from the federally funded One Bay Area Grant Cycle 2 (OBAG 2). This funding will be used to install stabilized decomposed granite surfacing over the railroad ballast rock to make the trail passable to pedestrian and bicycle commuters/users, including those using wheeled transportation and parents with strollers.  Project selection for San Mateo County was administered by C/CAG (City/County Association of Governments), who voted to fund $885,300 of the $1,000,000 total estimated cost of the project. An improved path will provide a safe connection between a residential development (Landmark and Altamar subdivisions of the Northeast Ridge) and Brisbane schools. It will also facilitate short trips from residential areas to the center of town and activity centers, such as parks, the library, transit stops, and future development in the Priority Development Area.

This leads us to the current task at hand, developing an informed and practical master plan for the Crocker Park Recreational Trail. The master plan will highlight opportunities desired by the community and stakeholders to improve the connectivity and safety, preserve local sensitive environments, promote recreation on the trail, embrace public art and interpretive education, and plan for the trail’s legacy.

Check back regularly to see when and how you can get involved and stay updated on the process!

Existing Conditions of Brisbane Trail – 360 Video

The video below is capturing the existing conditions of The Crocker Park Recreational Trail on June 22, 2020. 

When viewing the video, you have the ability to move the video around with your mouse similar to Google Maps to look different directions. If on mobile, just move your phone around to change your viewpoint.

Project Process 

1) Project Kick-off & Stakeholder Meetings ✓
2) Workshop #1: Background, Goals & Visioning - OCT 21st 6:30 - 8 Pm ✓
3) Generate Preliminaty Master Plan Concept ✓
4) Technical Advisory Committee: Reviews preliminary plan ✓
5) Workshop #2: Community views preliminary master plan ✓

January 19, 2021 at 6:30 – 8:00 PM

Meeting Link:

Meeting ID: 912 2360 0710

Passcode: 029750

6) Prepare Draft Master Plan
7) Draft Master Plan Presentation: Technical Advisory CoMmittee
8) Draft Master Plan Presentation: City Council
9) Prepare Final Master Plan
10) Present Final Master Plan: Parks and Recreation Commission
11) Present Final Master Plan: City Council


Graphic below shows a selection of the desired improvements for the trail based on community and stakeholder input received to date. Attend the upcoming workshop to learn about the planning process.

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Workshop #1 Recap

Workshop #1: Background, Goals, and Visioning

Held on October 21st, 6:30 – 8 Pm

During the first virtual community workshop, community members were able to share their vision for the future of Crocker Trail. We held a live survey followed by an open discussion with the community. See below for more details on how you can share your opinions and for more information on upcoming workshops.