Big changes proposed for downtown Los Altos

BY ALLISON LEVITSKY Daily Post Staff Writer Link: A consultant hired by the city of Los Altos is expected Tuesday (Aug. 28) night to...

RRM is honored with APA awards from North to South

RRM Design Group recently won six awards from the American Planning Association (APA). These awards were handed out at the local level from chapters across the state of California.  APA awards celebrate quality in planning and aim to increase the public’s awareness of...

Santa Cruz County unveils Davenport Cemex plant reuse options

From the Santa Cruz Sentinel: By: Nicholas Ibarra DAVENPORT >> Out of the four Cemex plant reuse options unveiled at a Tuesday evening community...

Redrawing the Future of State Street

Architects Team Up to Brainstorm a New Downtown Corridor From the Santa Barbara Independent: Thursday, October 26, 2017 By Nick Welsh (Contact) With the retail future of State Street morphing...
From Here to There: The Future of Mobility

From Here to There: The Future of Mobility

On March 13, 2017, RRM Design Group hosted an APA panel discussion on the topic of “The Future of Mobility.” In less than twenty years, our transportation systems will undergo disruptive and transformative changes. Some of these changes will be great for...