Michael Torres | KSBY News | November 21, 2019


A new development that would include a restaurant, retail space and four housing units is looking to add to the Shell Beach area.

The project has garnered the attention of not only the Pismo Beach City Council, but the community.

“Over 100 people showed up from the community. They took a great deal of interest,” said Randy Russom, architect, RRM Design Group.

Despite the public’s interest, the project was denied by the city’s planning commission two months ago.

On Tuesday’s city council meeting, Russom, appealed the decision and came to the council with changes.

Causing the council to want the planning commission to take a second look.

“Ultimately the city council basically supported the planning commission’s decision, denied the project without prejudice and then remanded it back to the planning commission to consider the design changes.”Jeff Winklepleck, community development director, City of Pismo Beach.

Affordable housing is always a need for the City of Pismo Beach and surrounding areas, but if approved this project wouldn’t have to provide low-income or affordable units.

“We would love to have as many affordable units as we can within the city. What we have heard in dealing with the various developers, there’s a certain number that they need to make it work. Typically it’s 30 to 40 units. When you have only four, it’s much more difficult to manage,” said Winklepleck.

The city says they will work with Russom to develop a new project proposal that can be presented to the planning commission early next year.

Russom says he is working to find the right match for the community with this project.

“We have to walk the line between evolving a street that has been aged and worn down, along with being sensitive to what has been there and the character of Shell Beach,” said Russom.

Find the original post and video here: https://www.ksby.com/news/local-news/a-new-mixed-use-development-could-be-on-the-way-for-pismo-beach