
Carlsbad Joint First Responders Training Facility

The City of Carlsbad hired RRM Design Group to conduct a site assessment and feasibility study evaluating two City-owned properties for a new Police Shooting Range, Fire Training Center, and Public Works Center. RRM generated three Site Concept Alternatives with an associated pros/cons listing and Statements of Probable Construction Costs. The police shooting range component included 25 shooting lanes of various lengths, a classroom, a Fire Arms Training Simulator (FATS) room, and associated support spaces. The Fire Training Center components included a four-story training building with multiple live fire and static drill props, a two-story residential structure with live fire props, an outdoor classroom pavilion with storage/support spaces, outdoor training prop areas and a rodeo-style driving area for police and fire apparatus maneuvers, and a fire administration/classroom facility.
Carlsbad Joint First Responders Training Facility
Carlsbad Joint First Responders Training Facility
Carlsbad Joint First Responders Training Facility
Carlsbad Joint First Responders Training Facility
Carlsbad Joint First Responders Training Facility
Carlsbad Joint First Responders Training Facility