Johnson Court Veterans Transitional Housing

Peoples’ Self-Help Housing hired RRM Design Group to design affordable multifamily rental housing on a compact, urban infill site in downtown Santa Barbara. Jardin de las Rosas includes 40 rental units, averaging 955 sf each, of a mix of one, two, and three bedrooms with a concrete podium garage. The project is GreenPoint rated, incorporating photovoltaic/solar panels and principles of sustainable design. Its Spanish Colonial style continues the trend of upgrading the Haley-Salsipuedes corridor. The three-story building massing is broken down into multiple sub-buildings to fit into its context with the surrounding neighborhood. The site is situated in a flood plain, elevating the project four feet above existing grade. Its interior courtyard includes barbecue and children play areas. Prominent rose gardens along Haley Street will pay tribute to Peoples’ Self-Help Housing’s former director.

​Project Location:

Location813 East Carrillo Street
Santa Barbara, CA

RRM Services Provided:

Architecture Services provided for this project
Civil Engineering Services provided for this project
Planning and Urban Design Services provided for this project

Additional Information:

» Housing Authority of the City of Santa Barbara

Johnson Court Veterans Transitional Housing
Johnson Court Veterans Transitional Housing
Johnson Court Veterans Transitional Housing
Johnson Court Veterans Transitional Housing