El Monte Downtown TOD Specific Plan
The City of El Monte received a Metro grant and selected RRM Design Group to develop a Downtown Main Street TOD Specific Plan. The project will provide the regulatory land use and planning framework for implementing the vision articulated in the adopted 2011 Vision El Monte General Plan. The plan focuses on the revitalization and plans for physical improvements to Main Street and evaluates transit-oriented development opportunities surrounding the Metrolink and Foothill transit stations. In addition, RRM was asked to develop streetscape improvement construction documents to enhance the City’s downtown urban core. The streetscape beautification, now under construction, is the first phase
of enhancements which include pedestrian crossing improvements, new street trees, landscape planted parkways, and new seating areas along this vibrant street. The design also includes improvements to paseo access to the street, new street pedestrian lighting, traffic calming features, and the design of bioswales and permeable pavement to capture urban storm runoff.