RRM Design Group recently welcomed Martha Miller, AICP to their team of professionals. Martha is a Principal Planner who specializes in zoning regulations and community planning. Her other experience includes coastal planning, TOD planning, healthy communities, urban agriculture, and environmental planning.

Martha brings over 15 years of experience as a planner, working with public and private clients throughout California. She takes a holistic approach to planning, integrating policies, regulations, and environmental considerations, so the final product reflects innovative land use policies and urban design concepts. With an increased demand for modern, user-friendly, well-illustrated zoning and development codes, along with her passion for zoning, Martha will lead these efforts in RRM’s Urban Planning Group.

“RRM is excited to have Martha join our team,” Debbie Rudd, Principal of RRM’s Planning Group said. “We look forward to blending our existing advanced planning experience with Martha’s extensive portfolio to offer additional services to our clients,” she said.