From KSBY: Arroyo Grande considering new low-income housing project

By: Brooke Martell, February 1, 2018

On Tuesday, the Arroyo Grande Planning Commission will vote on a resolution to approve the construction of a 20-unit housing complex at 223 and 236 South Halcyon Road.

According to Teresa McClish, the community development director for the city, the project has been in the works since 2011.

Housing Authority of San Luis Obispo (HASLO) is working with RRM Design Group to develop the new complex. According to a project description, “The building consists of two-story and three-story buildings containing 20 affordable residential units, a community space, and associated parking as well as zero energy strategies.”

A commercial building is currently shared with the property. The project description also states that “HASLO has a memorandum of understanding with the owners of the adjacent commercial for shared parking.”

The property is considered high density, which means there can be 20 to 25 units per acre. The plans for the development include four one-bedroom units, 10 two-bedroom units, and six three-bedroom units.

“It will be restricted to families under 80 percent of the median income and HASLO will be managing and reviewing those requirements once the project is built,” McClish said. “So that level might change with the market rates at that time.”

This isn’t the only affordable housing within city limits. McClish says a couple years ago, Peoples’ Self-Help Housing built a 35-unit affordable housing complex off Courtland. She says the need for rental housing and affordable rental housing are the hardest things to get right now.

“Tuesday is the opportunity for the project to be discussed in front of the planning commission. The public can come out and speak on it,” McClish said. “The project proponent, HASLO working on it with RRM [Design Group] will present the project and our planning commission, after hearing the presentations and public comment, will hopefully render a decision on approving the project at that time.”

If the project is approved, McClish says construction would begin in spring 2019.